This message is from: "Hope Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to keep seeing the messages about Fjord rescues.  If we can't
discuss it here, there should at least be a link from the NFHR web site.
What about rescues that do not involve UEF, we can't discuss those either?
The UEF is doing us a favor, IMO.

There are probably people who breed Fjords that don't have computers, live
far from usual shipping routes for buyers, and maybe have fallen on hard
times.  It would be good to get the word out about rescue.  I know I am
being idealistic, that there are some people who would hold  Fjords for
ransom, "give me what I want or I will sell them to slaughter".  Some people
would wait to get a "cheap" Fjord, and that might not be good for the Fjord,
or a disappointment to the deal seeker.  Anyone who knows horses knows the
worth of a well bred, handled, nutritionally sound animal from a reputable
source.  All the negatives about rescue being true, they are still worth
bearing for the sake of the horse.  So I want to hear what is going on and
be reminded to contribute to the effort.


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