This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I too am saddened that this has been yanked from the's a pertinent discussion and update feature for all of the Fjord owners and perspective owners. I do hope that a link will be established from the NFHR page concerning this topic. I would like this issue to be reconsidered for the list.....perhaps a poll or survey <yikes another infamous survey!> of how the list members feel about the topic? Some sort of a message Lynda could send notifying us that there is a new rescue with a link to it? I do realize that she has set up a yahoo group, but not everyone wants to have too many emails/lists that they belong to and as this IS a Fjord Horse list, I think it is valuable information.
Reena > This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Lynda I am very saddened that you are not allowed to continue with the info > of rescuing fjords. To me this is as important as discussions on breed, > food etc. I think we should have this info available here. Perhaps limited > to so many lines or times but just so that we would know when we needed to > help the fjords. Jean