This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/11/2003 4:59:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> I say: 
> In support of Janet, It doesn't sound condescending to me.  I would think
> that not reading or attempting to understand the rest of her post could 
> only
> prove her point.  
> I agree with her that anyone on the 'outside' who has subscribed to the 
> list
> for any period of time and listened to the various times that 
> cross-breeding
> was discussed would get the impression that she has laid out.  ie (many
> fjord breeders/owners come across as irrational or fearful on this 
> subject)I think what Janet is trying to say is that someone who wants to 
> find out
> what the taste of a mixture of chocolate and strawberry ice-cream tastes
> like; shouldn't be banned from owning chocolate ice-cream, shouldn't be
> banned from joining a chocolate ice-cream list server, and shouldn't be
> condemned when they talk about mixing these two flavors let alone actually
> doing it.   

Then a) you didn't read in the spirit it was written.  I saw blatant 
condescion, and recognize it.  And I'm not going to debate it.  After the 
thread where I was told that slaughterhouses are humane by this poster, 
despite the evidence at hand, and this poster knows it all, I don't want to 
read the same thing about crossbreeding. 

b) apparently you side with her that fjord breeders are irrational and 
fearful for keeping the fjord horse pure.    I say the people I respect on 
this list who have been breeders for years are the ones who are educated and 
caring of the breed.  And I'll listen to their thoughtful views with a more 
open mind than somebody coming into the breed with an attitude and telling 
everybody they don't know anything.  :)

and c) comparing fjordhorse breeding to mixing ice cream flavors?  ~shudder~  

 <A HREF="";>Northern Holiday 

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