This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you [EMAIL PROTECTED]  for your Dressage statement!
Dressage means "training for the well being of the horse"
Why do people automatically think negatively about the things they know nothing 
> Date: 2003/01/08 Wed PM 04:35:22 CST
> To:
> Subject: Re: President's message in the Herald
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I wanted to comment on the part of your statement that said,"...I have no 
> interest in changing the Fjordhorse breed into a dressage pony." As a fellow 
> dressage rider I am always mystified by this kind of comment because the only 
> thing a good dressage horse possesses over another horse are regular, correct 
> gaits, freedom of movement in the shoulder and HOURS and HOURS of training. 
> Breeding horses that are good in dressage means that your are breeding a 
> sound, athletic horse that has some degree of self carriage. How could this 
> possibly hurt the breed? Dressage doesn't require extravagant movement, but 
> correct movement.
> My German dressage instructor told me recently that during W.W.II that all 
> the top German dressage horses were made to work in the fields so that they 
> wouldn't be used as food or military horses. He said even after 3-4 years of 
> pulling plows, they returned to doing their Grand Prix work and were just as 
> good. Dressage doesn't mean the end of versatility.

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