This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:07 AM 12/27/2002 -0600, you wrote:
This message is from: Janet McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

no surprise to me. For those who are insulated from what is happening out there, the economy has taken a very bad turn over the past year, and feed prices in most parts of the country are at a historical high. For those living a little closer to the 'edge' this means that a) they can no longer feed their livestock and b) no one is buying horses because of the high price of feed -and- their lowered income. Thus the horse market has crashed and burned and the only buyers out there are meat buyers. I have been Fjord shopping over the past 18 months, and I can tell you that most of the horses I have looked at are still for sale. If any of those owners can no longer support the number of animals they have, and no one is buying, then what can they do?


When I read this I wondered if it was really true since I had not really noticed fewer transfers coming through my office. So I pulled some numbers to take a look at what is really happening in the Fjord sales world this year. Here is what I found for the last 3 years:

2000 - 314 Ownership Transfers
2001 - 315 Ownership Transfers
2002 - 308 Ownership Transfers

2000 - 375 New Registrations
2001 - 338 New Registrations
2002 - 349 New Registrations

So I really don't see much change in sales the way it looks to me. I agree the market is certainly flat but not as depressed as a lot of people are thinking. I still have a few Transfers to process here also so the numbers will be almost the same as last year when they are processed.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

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