This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This computer is total verucke (crazy).  It just sent the 4th blank
e-mail in one day which is a record. Jean in Alaska - I thought about you
when I saw on CNN you had another earthquake in Alaska, but they
originally reported it was closer to Anchorage and shook Seattle too. 
Now I just saw on that it was 75 miles south of Fairbanks and
was  strong.  Are you, your family and your Fjords OK?  How did the
Fjords react, were they frightened?  Helos scare horses that aren't used
to them because they make the ground move, so earthquakes must be
terrifying for them.  I hope everyone is OK there.  Thinking about you. Linda
in Reichelsheim where it will be below freezing the next few nights  and
not too much above during the day


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