This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings from ND.

We are in the process of re-training or re-schooling Heidi, a 12 year old
fjord mare who has been a broodmare for several years.  She is doing quite
well under saddle, but we have not found a bit that seems to do well for
her.  I generally use a snaffle on most of my horses, occasionally something
else, but prefer a simple snaffle.  However, with Heidi it seems not to work
out well, as she tends to take the bit to much, as well as being quite
strong on the bit.   There is obviously more to a behaviour than a bit, but
any input on this would be appreciated.

Any ideas for a bit that would help out.  I hate to go and buy any of the
numerous options out there w/o hearing some input and experience.  Could get
costly, :)

I guess I have been pretty much spoiled with most of the horses, as they
respond well to my current bits.

Next week we will hook her up with another mare, and start on driving
lessons again.  Poor Heidi, she thought life with babies was just good,
thank you so much!!

Janne in mild ND

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