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Hello Patti Jo,

Without seeing this boy, but going from your description, I would say to not 
give up on him.  Most "problems" we see in horses are either related to 
injury/illness or are man-made, inadvertently or not.  

Has he been thoroughly checked over by a qualified vet?  Teeth, ears, legs, 
joints, and spine?  His flight mechanism could be on "high" due to pain.  
However, it personally sounds like he recently had a very traumatic 
experience due to something with noise and the color white which has affected 
him so badly, his flight response turns on immediately at any reminder.  

Another hint of this being a strong possibility is the fact of him bolting 
when you lifted your hand to scratch your head.  I would say he was reacting 
not only to the noise, but the fact of the noise and your raised hand 
combined.  He is trying to get away from a repeat of whatever this bad 
experience entailed.  

While I realize the owner is adamant such a thing has not happened, unless 
the owner has been with him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is possible she 
did not observe the event.  Anyone else ever on that farm?  Kids playing 
pranks?  An unknown visitor?  There are countless ways for such a thing to 
happen, unfortunately.

My suggestion would be to no longer ride or drive him, but to go back to the 
very basics.  Regain his trust, then work with objects that are known to be 
frightening to him.  This WILL be a long and drawn out process, but the 
result will be well worth it.

We have worked with a few horses that had similar awful experiences at the 
hands of their previous owners and all have successful, happy, and productive 
lives now.

Good luck and keep all of us posted!


Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords & Shetlands
White Cloud, MI

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