This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >>> I don't expect a perfectly executed dressage movement by a fjord to get 
> >>> the
> >>> same marks as those performed by a warmblood, since a part of the mark 
> >>> even
> >>> for the individual movement reflects the quality of the gait.
> If both the Fjord and WB perform the movement "perfectly" it implies that
> both were executing the movement at the trot required with no loss of
> impulsion and good balance, moving forward etc. It does not imply that trot
> was putzy, unsteady or unbalanced because  then it would not have been
> "perfectly" executed. The above being the case both should receive the same
> score.

Good point, I missed where the original poster said that the movement was
perfectly executed by both Fjord and WB. In that case, they should both
definitely get the same mark, a "10" (excellent). 

A common error, and one that my coach is always after me about when riding a
movement, is to get all caught up in the details of the movement and forget
to ride the quality of the basic gait. She always says the quality of the
gait comes first and that is the basis of the score for each movement. After
that of course, the gaits are again given weight in the collective marks,
with a double coefficient.


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