This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am so glad you and your boy were not seriously injured!
What a scary thing to have happen!
I too am not fond of the metal easy entry carts. I had one that collapsed a wheel under very little stress out on a flat dirt road (and some of you who know me, know that i know what I am talking about re. stress on a vehicle when driving & really "going for it") So, that one went bye-bye. Then I had a Milton cart w/ metal shafts that went into recievers on the body of the cart. Well, at Libby in '98, my friend Sandy drove Sven in the ladies driving class and as they trotted down the long side of the arena, Sven came to a sudden halt, then trotted on at Sandy's urging, but w/ hesitation. In the lineup, the judge had noticed their bobble and commented "well you had it in the bag 'til he stopped". When we unhooked him after the class, the left shaft just completely fell out of the shaft loop. Sven had been making do driving with one shaft, as the other one had completely fatigued itself out from the connection to the body. We managed to jerry-rig ( I think w/ Brian's help!) it back into shape to finsih out the show. Then I fixed & sold it after I got home. Recently, I had been driving my 14.2+hh mare Alycia to a nice old jog cart w/ HD motercycle wheels,I borrowed until my real vehicle was finshed. (Story of my life!). Thing must weigh all of 75 lbs. Great to start 'em out with, SUPER to practice dressage in, but as she progressed in her training she was really bending, and forward and whipping that cart around. It just has a plain oak bench seat & tiny basket w/ 1 1/2" oak slats, and no side stops or foot rest. So, we were out practicing hazards on the flat, and she did this fantastic "power turn", and just about had me sailing out of that thing. I ended up on my knees, w/ my right ankle (on the leg I broke 3 years ago)getting a good whack from the basket & my foot being dragged on the ground. Yikes! Can you say 'hematoma'? Alycia just stopped, turned back at me (she drives open still) and looked at me as if to say, "can't you keep it together back there??!" I got religion that day and took it real easy after that 'til I took posession of my new cart 2 weeks ago. Now we are having serious SAFE fun prepping for our first CDE, 2 weeks from now. Just a note: I see many vehicles, even some designed for CDE's w/ little or no place to brace yourself on the floor or sides. Some folks don't even have a toeboard, and they should, especially if they are height challenged and are buying a non-custom vehicle. I had a clinic w/ Sarah Mullins form Ireland years ago, and she pointed out what can happen if your ankle/leg slides into a wheel on a fast turn...You get the picture I'm sure - not pretty.

Be safe out there ya'll.

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