This message is from: "Sue Clark-Sorger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I second or third or whatever this one.
I have a 5 year old orphan gelding that I raised, I have worked and worked
with him and he challenges me often.
He will work well for days at a time and then he will run out on the lunge
line and he will rear. I can't hold him when he runs out,
I have tried a knotted halter a chain over under around his nose, I put the
lunge line behind me and around under my butt and hold both ends in front
off me and brace
ready and once in a while I can hold him but mostly not. It is the rearing
that scares me, I don't move as fast as I once did. Until recently he would
bite me I
haltered him and any other chance he got, he found out I could be the bitchy
boss mare one day, and that stopped. Yes, I know I should part him but it is
not his fault he was a
orphan and why should I pass my problems on to someone else. His mom was the
most wonderful horse that I have ever had the joy of owning.
I had emailed Beth Beymer about him and have posted her response to me

I think that your Kez situation, unfortunately, really comes from him
having been raised an orphan and you being his surrogate mother. I think
that, no matter what you do, he will always try to display his playful
(and disrespectful) behavior towards you. You haven't done anything
wrong. It seems, to me, that some geldings never seem to mature in a way
that mares do (stallions go on to other jobs besides being playful) and
have to dispense that playful energy in some way. It seems that he tends
to direct that energy towards you.

Sue and Kez and Heather in very dry New Mexico

Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 19:31:19 -0400
Subject: Orphan Foals

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Beth said, " Just ask anyone who has raised an orphan how difficult it
can be to keep that foal from learning how to push its humans around."
        And I say, as the owner of an 8 year old orphan foal, AMEN!
        My poor mare misses her mother so much she nurses herself after
you give her a treat. She can't really reach her own teats, but she lifts
her hind leg, usually her left, reaches her head back there and sucks on
her tongue, for about 4-5 minutes. It is harmless enough as far as I
know, so I don't try to interrupt her. If she is tied to the trailer or
getting on the trailer, etc., she isn't allowed to, of course.
        I was wondering if anyone has ever had a foal by such a mother?
Would her mental imbalance make her reject a foal? Would she become
obsessively attached to it forever?
        Just wondering,


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