This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would think this would be dependant on your particular horse.......wouldn't you? or if you have an extra pair of helping hands or by yourself.

I am coming into the discussion late; when we trailer via slant, we always backed the horses out, no problem whether it was dirt or pavement......went inside and got them walked them out....but one horse I had, wasn't going to go for that, he wanted out front ways, so instead of getting into a fight with him about it and him getting hurt, he came out just fine, all the time.

when we trailered in a straight load, there were always two of behind to do the butt bar while the other was untying. I'd have to pull on Gustav's tail sometimes to get him moving out since when he was untied he start eating the food on the floor! LOL

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: trailering

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Seems like there's an even divide between people saying "never drop the butt
bar while your horse is still tied" and people saying "drop the butt bar,
untie your horse and then go back and catch the rope on the way out".

Being new to trailering, y'all are making my head spin!!  Timely  issue
though since I am just trying to get this figured out on how to do it by myself without a partner helping. It actually had not occurred to me to back him out from outside the trailer - I am always in the trailer and backing him out. I
think I'll give that a go this weekend.

Kate and Joe (basically the best pony ever)

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