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I have two llamas in an enclosure around my shed-barn.   They have kept my 
chickens and ducks safe for the past few years.  When I  brought home my TWH, 
the llamas made him snort and shy as we walked by to his  separate corral.  The 
neighbor will stop all outdoor horse activity if my  llamas get out of their 
enclosure and roam the dividing field because her horses  are so afraid of 
However, when we got our little 11hh pony last week, I led her  right up to 
the enclosure and put her in with the llamas.  The llamas ran  around acting 
like rabbits - BOING-BOING-BOING
and have stayed WAY far away from that "scary pony"!   Since the pony has 
found out it's kinda fun to follow the squawking chickens and  ducks, I have no 
doubt she'll soon be chasing the llamas around,  too!
To make this Fjord related....Woody is still at the trainer's,  so that my 13 
year old son learns basic riding skills.  When Woody comes  home, he'll be in 
a corral next to the llamas so that he gets used to them  quickly. 
Another llama fact is that they sell for SO cheap ($300.00 in  California) 
and not everyone really wants a llama.  My Mama Llama was one  of those 
high priced llamas, and people just weren't willing to spend  $$$ on llama 
babies from her, when they could go elsewhere and get a $300.00  llama.  I 
up giving away my herd and only keeping Mama Llama and  Llacy Llama, her baby.

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