This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Fred,

I would think that the Evitex (Liquid Chastberry) might be used for 
treatment of Cushings disease.  Does your 31 year old mare have Cushings?

Laminitis is a problem in Cushings.

Lots of information on insulin resistance and Cushings in the files on the 
Cushings Yahoo list:      You 
have to join to access the files, but there is a ton of information in the 

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, sunny and dry, red-flag conditions for wild-land 

We buy it by the gallon as our old mare (31 years) also gets it for old age
>Recently, on the advice of our vet, we moved to a combination of Corta-Flx
>and a British product called Evitex (Liquid Chasteberry).  We buy it from a
>local vet supply house but it can be obtained directly from
>  who are the importers.  Using this has
>been cheaper than the LaminaSaver and has been equally effective.
>The mini has been on the Chasteberry formula PLUS Corta-Flx for over a year
>without any further founder problems.  Hooves are sound with no separation.

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