This message is from: "Beth Pulsifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"I will look at a gelding but he really, really has to act the gelding and
show no interest in mares "
I've had horses for years and always had mares and geldings together, minis
and Arabians. Have never ever had a problem with the geldings being studdy.
Now I have the fjord, arab and mini( all mares) and most of the time I only
let two together at a time as it seems like three's a crowd and someone is
always trying to be boss and get nasty... usually the mini!!!!!!!
I love the geldings  as they are so "true blue" but I have to say that the
mares I've had have been wonderful too.... Everyone feels differently about
things so I guess you just have to go with how you feel when the time comes.
I hope you find the perfect horse for you when the time is right... Wishing
you the very best of luck in your recovery.
in Maine where our BIG snow storm amounted to 4 in.  :(  But better than
nothing.. Very cold now... two above at the moment so will be below zero by
morning. At least that is seasonable!!!:)

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