This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

your best bet is to buy a lens with the fastest f/stop you can get..... of course that is mega bucks!!

BIGGER FLASH (like Steve suggested in a later post)
Faster Lens

closer to the person being photographed
all lights on

that is really about all you can do!


Increase the film speed. Choose a faster ISO (ASA) setting in your digital camera or buy faster film if you are using a film camera. You may need to go to ISO 800 or even 1600. ISO 200 or 400 will be way too slow for low-light action pictures.

Get more light into your camera by opening up the lens aperture. Do this by setting the f-stop to a smaller number. For example, if you are using f-11, try a setting of f-5 or lower.

Increase the lighting in the environment. Turn on all of the arena lights. Add extra lights for a planned photo shoot. Choose a time of day when natural sunlight is coming into the arena as much as possible. Use a separate handheld flash.

I bet Laurie With has some even better ideas.


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