This message is from: "Karen & Larry Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For the M-T-G I have never used it on forelocks but on tails it is AWESOME.
Our one gelding had found the water tank was just the right height to rub his
tail and butt on. His tail was always short by fjord standards. Last fall I
put it on 2 or 3 times and this spring his tail that was always about hock
length is now down to his fetlock. It seems to stop a lot of the tail rubbing.
So I have started to use it on our other 2 geldings and in a few weeks I can
feel and see a difference. Softer and brush out real easy. I use it once a
week This is week 3. Our one gelding was laying down and the young one walked
up and happened to step on his big brothers tail and then started to paw on
him and before I could stop him the one got up and pulled a big chunk of hair
out of his tail, so we have been using it to help promote growth and it seems
to be working. I cut some of the long hairs off to even it out and be able to
see how it was growing. But 3 weeks isn't long enough to tell how much it is

Karen in  Central WI

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