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Hi Everybody,

Just a quick note to tell you how much I love this group. I gather tons of useful information about Fjords which is precious because I live in such a remote area and there is nobody to ask for help or advise.

The discussion about fat Fjords makes me want to comment about the fact that Fjord Horses really are work horses maybe more that any other breed. The are genetically conditioned to work SEVERAL hours every day - and to be happy they really need stimulation and a job. The breeder from where I got my new guy (Stormy and 4 year old)told me that one of his geldings was getting hard to catch. After he started driving him again as soon as he saw any kind of preparation for driving he was standing right at the gate ! And I found the same thing with both my fjords : they expect action. Every day. And boy do they get restless and irritated if they don't get it !This makes me think that the weight issue that many owners face (including me !) might have something to do with Fjords without a job. I started to have people from outside riding my Fjords just to give them more exercise. It was hard at first since I trained both and was scared of people with hard hands etc. But in the end I think that the benefit of the extra exercise and stimulation outbalances the fact that some rides are not as experienced as I would wish. That might be something to reflect on for Fjord owners.

Take care all

Yasmine the Yukon-rider

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