This message is from: greta cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As one who has recently lost her mother to a horrifically painful death from
Multiple Myeloma (bone marrow cancer which has no known cause and no cure) as
well as my father-in-law to asbestoses cancer I am sensitive to this issue.  I
seek information and make decisions based upon what I have learned.  Sharing
information with others is what I do and hope others will do with me.  I
expect people to make up their own mind with the information they gain and do
what works for them.
I have attended the Libby show with my family and fjords for the past six
years and have been involved with the show committee for three years.  The
Libby community in very generous, the show has been a great experience and
given my family and I many wonderful memories and new friends.

This is not about one show or another.  The focus is on information and
personal decisions.  This list is a great source of information for all to use
as they see fit.  We all have a delete button on our computer and can choose
to use it whenever we please.
 I am not a breeder and have nothing to gain.  I am however a proponent of the
breed and will continue to do my best to advocate for the fjord horse in all
its facets.
Greta Cook

 This message is from: "Lois Anne Starr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 You said it Fred!  Thank you for the updated site report, link by the way.

 I was just discussing this very thing with another list member last night
 and today.  It is amazing to what lengths people will go to for politics and
 money.  Why denegrate one well established fun show for any other purpose
 than to obtain potential revenue from it?  You don't like Libby, don't come
 and certainly don't deliberately ruin it for those who do like it using
 outdated reports of contamination!!!  (And yes, I have spent HOURS
 researching this!)  This fearmongering for private gain and status has got
 to stop, and if this ruffles feathers and makes enemies...there are plenty
 of other people in the world I can deal with!  Let's get the focus back on
 Fjords, not on money and whose got the biggest, bestest shiniest show of

 I'll go back to semi-lurking now...

 *For a report from the EPA on the cleanup, go to:

 *I stand more chance of injury driving to and from Seattle than living in

 This is now nothing more than a tempest in a teapot.


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