This message is from: "Debby Stai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A few people know that I have a 6yr. old gray fjord, "Eagle", I got him from
Lori up in Canada 3 yrs. ago...Eagle came to me as a cribber, I'd not had one
before and thought I could give it a go...and actually, his being a cribber is
not a big issue other than you do have to take care of their tummy....they
tend to be gassier, so I have him on a powdered med. similiar to gastrogard
but lots lots cheaper...and when he is being worked, he gets a tube full of
mylanta extra strength, which he loves....Well, Eagle is too much horse for
me...I had placed him a year or so ago, only to find him up for sale and had
to go get him back...I've visited with several fjord owners/trainers about
Eagle in the past...trying to get him trained, it isn't easy finding anyone
here in mid Texas, especially anyone that knows fjords....Although Eagle is a
gelding, he can be studdy, and he loves the girls, especially when they are in
season...and he doesn't like geldings....He is too strong for me, too strong
for my husband....We got my Lang from Patti Jo, and she knows how my Lang is,
very sweet and really never tries me and when he does, he is quick to stop
being bad with even just a "growl".....I've written Lori, told her we can't
keep Eagle...and she's helping me by looking in her area, see if someone would
take him....I really do prefer for him to go to the cooler temps...the heat
here in Texas is bad, the fjords just don't like it, neither do I but I have
air conditioning...
Other than being fat, the dr. told me to keep grass hay in front of him so he
has a grass belley, and if he was able to get worked, I don't think he'd have
it.....He is a very sweet horse, loves hugs and kisses, but he needs a strong
rider, who knows what they are doing, but kindness, no misstreatment....He
cannot be put in a stall and closed up, he has to have a run off of a stall,
and he does like to have a stall to run into, to get out of the bugs, the
horseflies and the weather/rain....He's very very pretty....
I only want to find the most wonderful home for Eagle, I'm hoping some
breeders and trainers will know of someone....He cannot go to someone that
does not have fjords or does not know of fjords, or does not have someone who
is a trainer that can help them...He is very very green....He's been ridden, I
have pictures, but its been awhile and it will be like restarting him....
If anyone knows of someone, please contact me...I'd really appreciate some
help finding the best home for this guy...I'm hopeful Lori can find someone
too, but she's busy....I'd love to be able to sell him but placing him with
the best possible home is my priority.....If someone had an older sound horse
that my husband could putt around on, that would be great but its not
Hope someone can please help and give me some contacts...
thanks for listening...
Debby in Texas
p.s. I do allow Eagle to crib on a rubber bucket, I had a vet tell me she does
this with her cribber, one rubber bucket in his stall, by the feed tub on the
ground...I would not like to see someone put one of those electric collars on
him, it would be cruel.....cribbers cannot help themselves, its a stress
release....When Eagle is out in pasture, I never see him cribbing, we do have
electric tape, but he is happy to just be out grazing....

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