This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Debby,
In your discussion of Eagle, I can hear your attachment to him.   It sounds 
like he has a good heart, but needs just the right person.  
I also have a cribbing Fjord--it is fairly mild on complete turnout on  large 
acreage and generally a very manageable problem without deterrent sprays  or 
collars.  I never had a cribber prior to Monark and thought long  and hard 
about the issue before purchasing him, but now that I love him, it is  simply 
part of who he is and at seventeen years old, not something that he will  ever 
voluntarily quit.  For him, it is mostly done after meals, and he  is always 
surprised when I use the cribbing position as an opportunity to  throw my arms 
around his neck and steal a hug.  I just don't think that  it should 
be a deal breaker for a buyer who might otherwise be  interested in working 
with Eagle.
Good luck,
Kris in NC
with Clyde and Monark

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