This message is from: Starfire Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oh, yea, I forgot to answer your question about Clay Maier. Yes, he was there performing his Friesian Spectacular. He is now based at the Kentucy Horse Park (he was already on his way here during the NFHR meeting). It is always an honor to be able to perform with him. He is the most humble person and a wonderful horseman to watch work with his horses. There were quite a few Friesians involved in this show. The Blumenthals, who have a farm north of Ft.Collins, drove a pair and had a number of other Friesians in the show, re-enacting how the farmers in the Netherlands raced the horses bareback. Finally, Sabine Schut and her husband, Christian Kerry performed two elegant pas-des-deux on their Friesian stallions. Lovely riding. The show also featured a reining freestyle and a reining quadrille, and then Jerry Diaz and his wife, Stacey, performed their professional acts.

We already have photos from the professional are working on a new web page today. I'll let you all know when it's up!


Karen McCarthy wrote:

This message is from: Karen McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bravo Beth, Sandy, the Poirers & the rest of you!! what an awesome
performance!! extra carrots w/ tops on, all around for the ponies...and best
wishes to Magnum for a speedy recovery!
I loved every minute of your description Beth, especially when you told us how
you had to traipse thru the maze of other barns at 0 dark:30 to get to the TV
spot - wow, I know that place is like a city onto it's own; things are
measured in sq inches there, not feet!
I hope you post some pics of the barn area on your webstite too. 'Behind the
scenes' stuff is fun to share...and hey, was Clay M. there doing his show
stuff? After you guys left the arena on the video I heard a snippet of an
announcement about Friesen's....

Here's the You Tube link folks:

Karen in (wet) snowy central Oregon. I may be crazy enuf to attempt another
ride today if i can 'round up the requisite waterproof clothing.

Karen McCarthy

Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon

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Beth Beymer and Sandy North

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