This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'll start the discussion on the MWFHC's Winter Meeting that was just in IL
last weekend. First off, AS USUAL it was wonderful to see everyone. Wish more
would have come but we ended up with around 45 GREAT Fjord Folks. I mean how
could you not enjoy yourself when you are surrounded by Fjord Owners. The
weekend consisted of a clinic with 3 speakers. An animal communicator, an
animal chiropractor and an equine dentist. I'm rather a skeptic on animal
communicator, not totally but...I've never had one of my animals read and
never met an animal communicator in person, so maybe not a skeptic but just
ever uneducated in that subject. I thought Asia was a really neat person, you
could tell she knew what she was doing and was good at it. She spoke to us
about what she does and why and a little how. It was very interesting and she
was a very good speaker. In the afternoon she gave private sessions to those
that wanted their animals read. Afterwards, everyone seems to have the same
thought, "how did she know some of those details??" and you kind of got the
hairs on the back of you neck to stand up. It is amazing if nothing else. She
is a neat lady. Next the animal chiropractor talked to us about adjustments
and why chiropractic. She also was VERY good and knew her stuff, plus a good
speaker. She then adjusted 2 Fjords in front of us. Last was the equine
dentist, she also talked to the group and worked on a Fjord as well. She was
just like the other 2, VERY good. I believe everyone was educated and everyone
had a nice time learning. During all this, we had a tack swamp. Many members
brought in items to sell and even though rather small, there was over $2000
sold. I , of course, helped with that number, as I bought a GREAT blanket
liner. All my husband asked was did you sell more then you bought??? Actually
this time I did!! I was impressed with myselt this weekend. Although I did
have my eye on Bob G's harness but someone else bought it. She needs it more
then I.
After our clinic, we had a Wonderful dinner at the hotel, and then a band for
our entertainment. We have some REALLY good dancers in our club too. Sunday
morning brought our meeting and breakfast, again Wonderful food and I think a
VERY productive meeting. It was rather long, but when you only meet twice a
year, there is lots to cover.

I would encourage everythign to watch for their newsletter that will be coming
out in the near future. LOTS of great information in there, and if you have
not paid your dues, PAY them! You don't want to miss out on future events.
NEXT year's winter meeting is already in the planning and it's gonna be one
you will WANT to attend! Lots of hands on, Lots for the youth of our club, a
real family affair with something for EVERYONE.

Ok, probably wrote enough, was a GREAT time, we have a GREAT CLUB!!!!!

If i missed something I am sure someone else will fill it in. THANK YOU
EVERYONE who helped put on this winter meeting and to everyone who came.

Patti Jo Walter
Please note NEW email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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