This message is from: "jen frame" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The inflammation, according to the vetrinary blood root expert in
colorado, is a good thing. It means the horse's immune system has
mounted a response, and will be healing that area.  So it sounds like
perhaps Xterra doesn't have enough blood root in it, or perhaps it is
mixed with other caustic ingredients that irritate the skin beyond
repair. Anyway, I'm with you: I use bloodroot on any warty looking
thing and it works fantastically!

On 8/1/08, Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Hi again--
>  Just a folow up on my earlier post about black blood root salve.  The 
> Xxtterra did cause an open crusting wound after only a couple of days which 
> sloughed off, leaving fresh pink skin...but after a couple of weeks, the gray 
> roucg bumpy spots would come right back and spread over the new pink skin.  
> The Wiseays salve was different.  Though the area was warm to the touch and 
> slightly swollen (a sign of inflammation), it never crusted or caused an open 
> wound to form as the Xxtterra did.  iT was a much more gentle and subtle 
> treatment (though it did take a little longer).
>  Gina Larson
>  Menominee, MI
>  The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

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