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Have any of you clever Fjord people run water pipes/tubes through your compost 
piles to heat water?  I have a neighbor who does so for her house hot water, 
and it just occured to me when reading the Fjord list digest tonight that this 
would be a great way to heat water for the horses.  My paddocks are all far 
away from electricity, and I don't have a barn, so there is water near the 
horses certainly, but it isn't always liquid!  Any thoughts?  I'd have to 
install a new water pipe in a location very close to the compost pile, and run 
enough water through the pile to heat enough water for a 5 gal. bucket for each 
horse (x10 or x12 horses), and reheat a couple of times a day to be really 
easy.  Compost heated water is usually around 115ยบ amazingly enough, from what 
I've read/heard.  What do you think?  If you've done this, do you have any 
plans, or a description of what you did?

Thank you,

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