This message is from: Karen McCarthy <>

The following is an exchange I had w/ Fiona Nicholson re. the Scottish
Fjords/David Stewart incident.

She provides additional background.

Posted here w/ her permission.

If anyone is familiar w/ Scottish.British animal laws, and has thoughts on
what can be done to prevent this person from further harm to his animals,
please feel free to post or contact me off-line.


Karen in central Oregon

Subject: re 7 fjords died in Scotland
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 10:29:10 +0000

my name is Fiona Nicholson and do go on the list but just look Im from
in England, a few folks on the list may have met me in Norway and I came
to see  the Blue Earth show afew years back
I hope you dont mind me mailing you about the horses in Scotland
after pleading not guilty for over ayear and asking the court for more time
David Stewart changed his plea the day before his case to guilty
on the count of starving 3 horses to death
what the account doesnt tell you is 12 other horses at cranloch
were also starving, some days from death the vet said
the vets condition scored some horses 0, 0.5 and 1
after the first horse died it was 8 days later that the 2 youngsters died
one was actually put down ,near death
he just didnt do anything his barn had plenty of hay but it was locked

this site is very much off the beaten path so nobody saw them also I
think with big wooly coats nobody would realise

4 more horses died after rescue ,they had all used body fat to survive and
this causes some liver damage
but repairs its self when they get good food
sadly 4 showed only a little improvement after blood tests
so a biopsy was done
they had ragwort poisoning, left to starve they had eaten this terrible weed
my own horses were on loan to David but at his home but they fared only
alittle better
and sadly my youngster died of ragwort poisoning

I will never forgive myself for not going that summer I cancelled my trip
because where I live got badly flooded
every time I called he said everything was fine , then he stopped answering
the phone ,email and letters
so we went up in the car
I hope I never see any think so shocking as what we did that day

he has showed not one ounce of remorse and indeed has behaved in a very
arrogant way
this was nothing to do with money
he just didnt go to feed them
he betrayed everybody especially the horses

I think the court lost the plot after he pleaded guilty to the first counts
they didnt want to
hear the rest so they fined him  just £720
he has quite literally got away with murder

all the welfare organisations are furious and are complaining to the courts
a terrible miscarriage of justice
fjords are so tough Im sure if this was any other breed many more would be
which to those of use who know fjords its all the more shocking because we can
see how bad it must have been

as for our society this is in limbo because we cant even disband it, he has
refused to hand any paperwork over
that he had , and has said he will burn the lot including the stud book

sorry to have sent you such a long mail but I wanted you to have the full
the links to UK papers only says 3 horses
although I think the Horse and Hound will do a full story this week comming



From: Karen McCarthy
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 2:42 PM
Subject: RE: re 7 fjords died in Scotland

Fiona, I am off to work over here, so short on time, but I do appreciate you
emailing me, really I do!
What an awful, terrible discovery.
I think this man must be mad, really certifiably crazy. How horrible. Maybe
some outside groups need to come together to amend his sentence, so he never
can own or care for livestock ever again?
May I please have permission to post this to the Fjord list here? if you wish
to remain anonymous, this is OK.
Thanks very much.


Subject: Re: re 7 fjords died in Scotland
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 22:19:03 +0000

thanks for reading my mail , yes we thought he was maybe having a nervous
break down but no their is nothing wrong with him
everybody tried to help him  even the welfare people he was so arrogant it
wasnt real
a lady who rescued 9 and has cared for them amazingly
she deserves a medal!
she told me it was like he was seeing with different eyes to the rest of us,
quite a pair of rose coloured  glasses

sadly because the court didnt bother to hear all the evidence
he can keep the horses he has  (12) and is already fighting to get the 9 back
they had a movement order on them but since the court let him get away he will
have them soon
as they are running out of ideas (legal) to stop him
he still has a stallion so will just breed more
please feel free to put it on the list, I do know  some folk on it
like catherine  its ironic that she her self has just rescued some poor
I used to be on the list from the start but for a while I didnt have a
computer ( Im a techno idiot)now I just read I love the fjord stories
weve all written to everybody we could think of but law stuff takes ages
but we feel this was such a miss carriage of justice and a dangerous precedent
to set
I dont know if you have laws about Ragwort but we have the ingerous weed act
and the ragwort act so we do have laws
to protect animals and animal welfare organizations work tirelessly to educate
owners and protect livestock
the court its self ignored the law

thanks again,

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