This message is from: Emily Wigley <>

On May 15, 2009, at 1:29 PM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:
If anyone has any experience or advice for me on what I can do from a training point of view, or a Vet's point of view, I would love to hear it.  I have decided to work with the horse and talk to my Vet about working with me when she comes to give the boosters.  I'm hoping we can cooperate with each other for everyone's benefit.  If my needs are ignored, I will have to find a different Vet.  But, there aren't many available, and I don't want to go from one problem to another.
I would get another vet. If I don't like the way my horse is being handled and I feel that I can do a better job to keep everyone safe (and happy), then I either step in or end it right there. Now having said that, I'm a professional, and while I am not a vet and don't play one on tv ;-) I do know how to handle most, and certainly my horses. I especially am concerned for the above situation because the horse is obviously in fear of the rough handling. Go elsewhere, and explain to the next vet what you've experienced. You don't have to name names (although s/he will probably know who you had trouble with), just explain what you didn't like and why, and ask if you can please handle the horse for the vet.
Frustrating, to say the least.

Sort of like, but different, when my vet arrived last year to vaccinate a dozen horses on the farm and didn't have all the vaccines he needed... even though he knew how many and what we were scheduled to do... at least he didn't charge me for the next trip out, but it was really annoying to get them all ready and then only do half, and then do it again ten days later!

Best of luck,

P.S. The manners in your subject line are your vet's, not your horse's, who obviously has good sense and good manners when handled politely!

Emily Wigley
Fish Bowl Farm
Vashon Island, Washington
(206) 463-5473

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