This message is from: Jeanne Zuker <>


I think Henry is trying to 'wear you down' so you just take the darn
thing off him.  Can you put it on him, give him a 'nice boy pat' and walk away
out of the pasture?  Could you go to the barn or out of sight of him and do
the occasional peak?  I think he has "YOU" figured out and is working it for
all his might.  Remember Fjords are very smart, and they know how to 'work it'
with us. LOL  If the grass is not too short, then he should be just fine.  He
knows how it works and eats when you offer the food.  Get out of his sight,
don't stay with him, I bet he eats within a few minutes when he sees this
isn't working on you anymore.  Good luck. 
Fjords!  Man they are just too
smart and cute,  they really know how to 'mess with us.' :)

Jeanne and Monty
(who says HE really could have helped fix the wheelbarrow!) :)
70's today a
really nice breeze, perfect!

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