This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <>

Hi, Don't be too harsh on Eunice..... I, too, have gone through having and losing a beloved elderly horse. My little App, mare, Duchess was 32 when we had the vet come out to her for the last time. We knew this day would come, she had some sort of spell, got down and could not get up. We were prepared. Did we put her down so we would not have to deal with her death in the winter? No, we did not. So long as she was getting around, and eating well, and content I could see no reason to part with her. We did however, have a hole dug so we were ready for the inevitable....and yes. it did happen in the winter. A tractor and bucket took care of taking her to her resting place. Large tractors can go almost anywhere in the winter ...including a deserted snowcovered pasture two miles away, so we had no problem having her moved. The covering over with earth took place in the very early spring. What, I wonder would Carol have done if a younger horse had become ill or died unexpectedly?? That, too can happen. I have lost many a beloved pet...horses, cats, dogs, etc. and none were put down unnecessarily just because I thought they "might" get sick in the winter. Holes can be dug ahead and one can be prepared. Keep some Bute on hand until a vet can be reached. etc. I sympathize with Carol on the loss of Gjest....but I personally could not have done what she did. But then that is just my opinion.
Sue in N.B.  (Storm and Peppin's mom)

Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 16:30:25 -0400
From: Kathleen Prince <>
Subject: Re: Gjest

This message is from: Kathleen Prince <>
This is just mean-spirited and you should be ashamed.
- --
Kathleen Prince

Pookie Bros. Pet Sitting
Professional Pet Care In Your Home!

On Sep 17, 2009, at 11:14 PM, John & Eunice Bosomworth wrote:

This message is from: "John & Eunice Bosomworth"

Carol:  <<<When we put him down, he was still healthy ... he wasn't
sick or injured or in any obvious pain.  He was declining, though.
I'm sure glad that Carol won't be looking after me in my
"declining" years.

Carol:  <<<As Arthur and i are downsizing>>>
By "putting Gjest down" seems a rather drastic way to accomplish this.

Deere Country Fjords in Ont.

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