This message is from: laura fisher <>

ny Hi there-

 When my husband ended up in ICU for five weeks and other people had to feed
out horses, we left them in the pasture day and night. My husband happened to
become ill on the very day we were to move into this "farm".  The pasture here
is much lower than where we kept them before the move.

When we came back and my husband was still very sick I didn't have much time
but to feed them and take them in and out.

After he got better I noticed that most of the horses tails were really
rubbed, some ribbed. Two of the horses had rubbed the hair off their flanks
and also their manes.

the vet called it "sweet itch"...Tiny flying insects the some horses are
allergic to. We had an awful time of it. The vet gave them some cortisone. I
used this potion the grange insisted would work. I got the sheets and head/
neck jammie thngs(snuglies?) out. Most of it didn't help.

I felt like a horrible horse owner until I looked it up and saw that
everywhere horses have this problem.

Then I came upon the :Boett Blanket" It originated in Sweden twenty years ago
and is supposes to REALLY WORK. I do not have one yet but I intend to.

Another product people swear by is "Skin So Soft"  by Avon. I guess you dilute
it....Some people  have tried any produt that contains Bebzyl Benoate

I know all of this because one day all  at once I noticed Elise's tail was
getting didn't take me long to envision that beautiful mane
being ruined..

I treat her with a nine day fly spray and use a sheet especially at dusk or

I hope you son't have Sweet Itch   ....
> From:
> To:
> Subject: tail rubbing
> Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 14:23:59 -0400
> This message is from: "Beth" <>
> Hello list,
> Anyone have any suggestions for horses that rub their tails??? Is this a
> Fjord thing??? My mare continues to make a mess of her tail by rubbing it..
> I keep it clean, she is wormed regularly and I keep her clean in and around
> her udder.
> We have wood fences now ....with wire on the inside to keep varmits out. I'm
> thinking we need a couple strands of hot wire. Wondering if this is just a
> habit with her. She makes it look like it feels sooooo good that even the
> arab has started.. but not nearly as much as the fjord.:) My hubby is not
> happy with having to fix broken boards so often.. sighhh
> Thanks for any thoughts you may have on this subject.
> Beth
> in Maine where the weather has been beautiful but we are getting rain
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