This message is from: Susan-Bruce Felix <>

I know this subject of helmuts has been beaten up enough.  I just wanted to
set the record straight on a comment made about helmuts and Mr. Reeves.  I
have worked for and know many celebs over the years due to my health career
and wearing or not wearing a helmut would not have saved him.  He had
extentive neck and neuo injuries due to the fall.  It is the choices we make
in life that effect the out comes and hopefully we lean from them.  He had
made several choices to event that day and choices to continue with the event
that day all on a horse that should have been rested properly.  Unfortunately
his choices didn't pan out to benefit him.  What I'm trying to say here is we
try and choose wisely and life has a way of stepping in and changing
everything.   You can wear one or not that is your choice, lets hope it is the
right choice.  Ride safe and ride smart.

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