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In a message dated 11/15/2009 7:36:08 AM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> There are two mares and one gelding.  All are very respectful and polite - 
> no
> grass diving nor pushiness.  'Life' has happened to their owners and I 
> agreed
> to help find just the right new homes for them.  Due to their owner's 
> health
> issues and need to relocate, these horses have been primarily pasture
> ornaments for quite a while.  I was a bit hesitant to take them on, 
> thinking
> that they might be more of a challenge than I wanted to deal with. 
>  Welcome to the world of taking on ancient pasture puffs Gail !  Update on 
> the 2 older Fjords that I bailed out of a WA. pasture a few weeks ago. 
> Anvil's Sander,  
  (yellow dun gelding, 19 , Leidjo X Anvil's Stina ) had his nasty hoofs 
trimmed up at      the
> National Ability Center, where I have donated him to their program. Even 
> though they had 4 trainer / helpers there, he had to be sedated by their 
> vet to get it done without anyone getting killed. Jan from the NAC gave me a 
> " heads up " because Sander WAS, at one time, trained to ride, pull 
> equipment ect. My girl, Anvil's Stellalite, ( white dun mare, 17, Leidjo X 
> Anvil's 
> Stina ) had never been trained to do anything. Her feet were pretty bad 
> and also showed me signs that she might have foundered not too long ago. 
> So my farrier arrives and asks "  how many we are doing ?....."
>  " 3 !  "
>  " Ok, why only 3 ? "
>  " Oh, that will be enough "             ; /
> So we started with Viking, my 2009 colt. He was ROTTEN last time Tim 
> trimmed him ( I wasnt here ) and he had basically threw himself around with 
> my 
> son Cody holding and Tim getting smushed. I have brought Mr. Rotten into the 
> barn for some lessons and he has stepped right up. Tying, leading, feet, 
> trailering. MUCH better, and he was very good for Tim. Whew....
> Then we pulled out Gjoi. When I brought Gjoi here from WI. her feet were 
> HORRIBLE and her manners matched her feet. She is a huge, drafty mare and 
> had little use for us messing with her feet. She remains the only horse ever, 
> in 30 years of horse keeping that DID make a trip to the vets for some la 
> la juice the first time we did her feet, following Tim nearly getting 
> killed by MS thang. She has decided that life is good here and has not had an 
> issue with Tim since....but he always give me a " look " when its her turn in 
> the rotation here. She is actually a total sweetheart, and was 
> great.....whew. 2 problem children done, one to go.    ; )
   So, we go up to Stellalite's paddock which she shares with Fjreda, who 
came down with her from the NAC where she had been on loan for their summer 
program. They bonded pretty tight on the trip down, so left them in together 
for now. We caught Stellalite ( STELLA LEE TA ) * Jean Ernst named her as a 
weaner ! 
and Tim moved to pick up her front hoof. At that moment, Fjreda walked off 
into the box stall hoping that someone had accidently dropped a bale of hay 
I guess in there, and Stellalite BLEW UP. Oh noooooooo, bad start. We 
brought up Fjreda and made her stand right at MS Stella's nose and she calmed 
down, but remained pretty naughty about having her hoofs worked on. Not afraid, 
not uncomfortable, just not used to being restrained at ALL. 

After she swung and bashed that big head into me for the second time, I 
" clear " and all humans scattered. I gave her one good wallop on the chest 
with the lead rope and told her to " KNOCK IT OFF " with " that " voice. My 
stallions across the way scattered. Corgi's ran for the house. Fjreda 
looked like, " glad it wasnt me...." and Stella gained a new look in her 
beautiful yellow eyes. She stuck her head under my arm and tolerated all 4 
getting a new look. I was sooooooo proud of her. 

When Tim finished, I told him about her brother, who she has been with for 
17 years. I also told him why, when he asked why I didnt mention it BEFORE 
he picked up her feet, (  <G> ) and I just said something about bringing on 
bad karma, negitive ju ju, icky thoughts and having him LEAVE, LOL. 

So, now I get to call Jan and give her a " neener neener neener, WE didnt 
have to resort to drugging OUR Fjord....."   Cant wait.  

Im too lazy trim all 22 head here, but do cut manes and goat hairs whenever 
I can. Goat hairs behind their jaws drive me nuts. Stellalite has a LONG 
flowing mane. Im leaving it, she earned it. Everyone else is due for their 
winter shaving event, no manes for a few weeks, then around looks 
like we are headed to show. 


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