This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <>

Last Weekend was the MWFHC's Winter Meeting / Clinic. Was held in Orgeon WI, very close to Madison WI. Was organized by Karen Hanson and Dawn Schlickman. GREAT job they did !!! We had a GREAT line up of speakers, with a wide range of topics from hands on basics, to understanding how to feed the Fjords, Vet Care, Diseases, Dressage demo's, tips on trail riding and Ski Joering. That was also hands on and WHAT A BLAST that was!! The meal was great, the hotel was great, think there was around 65?? in attenance and I had such a WONDERFUL time with all. I just love our club and the Fjord horse. Thank you ALL for helping, for coming, for organizing, really was another great time!

I had to fly out to N.D. for a funeral Tues/Wed or I would have written sooner. Back home safe and sound. Lots of fog in our area, nervous last night I wasn't gonna get back, but am home and working on the MWFHC's Breed show in Blue Earth MN this July, Will be the Show's 25th Anniversary and we are planning for a bigger and better Show !!! You will WANT TO BE THERE! We have RETRO prices all classes will be $3 a class to celebrate our show and this is what they were 25 yrs ago and a way to give back to our members!

On another note,the club has produced another DVD, "how to fit tack to your fjord horse" and I'm VERY proud of it. It really is full of great information. It has how to fit your saddle, both english and western, bits, bridles, pads, girth/cinch, halters, and splint boots. (hope I didn't forget anything). Michelle from Horsey Habit was our speaker on the DVD and she is VERY knowledgeable. You may order it online, if it's not online at contact me, I'll mail it out to you. It's $15 includes postage. Or if you want the mane trimming one you can get both for $20 includes shipping.

Patti Jo Walter-President MWHFC

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