This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <>

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So how big is a flake: are they consistent? what weight? And what kind of hay? I
have found that "flakes" vary in thickness and weight from bale to bale.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska , still moderately warm for October at 55 degrees!

THAT'S absolutely right, Jean.. about the only way to know is to weigh your portions. I might add that portions also depend on the individual Fjord, also their circumstances-- youngsters require more, and sometimes elders do too. We feed more in cold weather too, or if they're worked hard. There is no "one-portion-fits-all".. best to keep an eye on their waistline. Of course pasture is overly rich in the springtime and should be timed, but this time of year we allow all day browsing because the grass is mostly dormant. We run them out mornings, back in evenings.. they look great. (never feed at night)
It's too easy to overfeed a Fjord.

Ruthie, nw mt US
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