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ok, not sure what happened with the list but not it seems to be back.

 i sent a post last week asking about using a muzzle with a fjord who has 
no choice but to live with round bales in the winter. oz shares his pasture 
with 4-5 others, and right now they are all in love with the unlimited hay 

i have been putting his muzzle on during the day, with it coming off at 
night. i am still not sure that's good enough, at least not until it gets 
really cold enough that they need the warmth. does anyone else have to deal 
this? when we board, sometimes things are not perfect, but i am trying to do 
the best i can for ozzie.

the weather has been fantastic for this time of the year. no snow, and 
still warm enough today (november 3rd) to have a lesson in the outdoor with 
a light fleece jacket. yesterday afternoon we spent some time just riding 
bareback in the arena, chillin' and watching the horses in the pastures 
goofing off.

this morning after our lesson, we all rode out in the open field. for me 
this was a very BIG achievement. i have dealt with fear issues since my first 
horse tossed me, and his former owner had problems with oz and told me he 
was no good and would bolt with me. 5 years later it hasn't happened, and i 
decided it was time to cowgirl up and follow the others to the field. except 
for a slight jump when he saw one of the horses in the pasture next to the 
field, the ride was calm and pleasant. with any luck maybe the snow will 
forget us this year.

laurie, and oz, the great hairy yak. he has far and away more coat than any 
other horse at the barn

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