This message is from: Alice MacGillivray <>

Thanks Teressa and everyone else who has been responding about the paddock. Another person mentioned road fabric or landscape fabric in an e-mail response. I'm familiar with landscape fabric from garden stores (though I cannot imagine it standing up for more than a few minutes without a huge amt of gravel on it). Is road fabric another name for it, or is it a separate product from separate suppliers? I have a feeling it might be an American term; I'll also try contacting road building organizations here.

It's good to know that several others have fjords that avoid those local ubiquitous, undefeatable buttercups.


From: "Teressa" <>
Subject: RE: Setting up a paddock

... Our bare paddocks stay mud free only because they were built with
several layers of sand, gravel, road fabric layers and hog fuel on top...

Teressa in NW Washington

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