This message is from: "Mary Ofjord" <>

I had a similar experience with Dry Fork Saddles in Vernal, Utah. I worked with a fellow named Cal Cook. They asked for a picture of my horse, Mirage, with measurements showing his very short back - 13" from withers to loin. They also had to shave the tree to shorten it. I had to send them pictures, with measurements so they could correctly fit the saddle to the horse. They asked what I did for riding, how tall I was, etc. They built a saddle around those specifications. Dry Fork Saddles makes the McCall saddle. It is not a "custom" saddle, but the closest thing for much less than a custom. These are good working saddles and the saddle I received is wide enough through the gullet to fit all my Fjords.

By far, this is the most comfortable saddle I have owned. When I first sat in it, it fit me like a glove. There was no break in time. The pre-turned stirrups were even set for my height when I first sat in the saddle. They also suggested that I do Mother Hubbard style with only one rear skirt. This lessens the weight and length of the overall saddle. I ordered a Wood Post Pendleton Association tree with a swell fork for more security (never could figure out why to buy a Wade-type tree only to add saddle falsies?). I would reccomend these saddles highly.

Mary O.

I have tried a lot of saddles over the years to fit Fjords. So far, this has been the best for a non-custom Western saddle.

Here's what we did:
1. Shortened the bars - in standard trees bars are too long and are the most
responsible aspect for "bridging"
2. the bars need to curve more to fit through the back
3. the ends of the bars need flaring also called "rocking" @ each end, esp. in
the front to allow a wider stance/gullet.
Anyways, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear but it's just what I know
from experience.
Maybe go all english?
Good luck,
Karen in Oregon

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