This message is from: Krissie England <>

I have mostly lurked on here for the past few years, but I finally have a
brag of my own :-)

Some of you may remember our Fjord, Trygg.  I
posted on here a few years ago 
when we first got him, looking for some
background info because he was a spoiled 
little poop.  13.2h of sheer
bullheadedness.  Found out he had been on this list 
with a couple of other
owners and had a history of being a bucker, among other 
lovely habits.  We
worked with him here on ground manners and got him over his 
leading issues. 
He was never a mean pony, just spoiled and used to getting his 
own way, so I
had a feeling there was a nice boy in there.  After 60 days with a 
trainer my
vet recommended, he came home and was 90% reformed.  As in, solid 
saddle work, but would test at least once per ride.  As long as you won, 
would be a good boy for the rest of the ride.

Well, he has now been promoted
to the rank of WonderPony!  My husband and I are 
the jousters for the VA
Renaissance Faire.  Last month my husband's jousting 
horse coliced and
developed a huge impaction.  We almost lost her, but 
thankfully she pulled
through after over a week of iv fluids at two different 
vet hospitals.  But
the fair was starting and we had only one trained warhorse, 
my 17h
percheron.  It's rather difficult to joust with only one horse.  So, we
pulled Tryggie out of the field, knocked off the mud, and I rode him for the
first time in almost a year (broke my neck then had a baby, so he got a lot
time off than usual).  He was a really good boy, we did WTC and he only
about bucking once at the canter.  Said "ah ah" and he didn't do it.
A week later, he went to the Ren Fair and was ridden by a new (to him) rider,
because I had to stay home and take care of DH's horse.  He learned all of the
games and even carried a knight in armor for the first time ever.  This
(one week after doing his first gaming show), he actually jousted! 
My spunky 
lil 13.2h guy jousted against my 17h draft gelding and was
stellar!  I can't say 
enough about how proud I am of this pony.  From a
spoiled brat to a sensible, 
brave horse doing new things and the audience had
no clue he was so new to it.  
We introduce our horses after the joust and
people were amazed that he had never 
done this before!  He really seems to
like it too, he's hard to hold back when 
you face him down the field, he has
figured out that he gets to run and boy does 
he run!

I am so impressed with
the Fjord temperament, I just wish I had had him when he 
was younger.  I
really think he could have been an awesome kid's pony and done 
well in the
breed shows as well.  He still could probably do well at breed 
shows, we just
can't afford to take him.  Anyway, this is getting long but I 
just had to
tell "someone" that would understand.

There is a picture of Trygg's first
ever joust here:

- Krissie
& Trygg aka Warpony
& Athena "Whatever, I am the jousting princess, just wait
til I get back up to 
weight and into shape again!"
& Loki "Hey, I joust too,
and everyone loves me too!"
& Josey the retired QH/App "Don't even think about
putting that stuff on me!"

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