This message is from: Linda Lottie <>

Thank you Phil......always enjoy reading your "tour" reports
Sweden & Norway???????  Hummmm, I think I may have to start saying my pennies
The "skeets" are huge over here in my neck of WI, as well.  I am hoping for an
early freeze.......heeeeheeeeee, and I don't like the cold, but, this year, I
will be less grumpy.  For one youngest daughter is getting
married so we are busy, busy, busy.  And, I'm still working on a long term
plan to winter in New Mexico.......remember those pennies??????   LOL   They
are going FAST :)
Keep writing Phil......Linda in NW WI......Sven, Lena and soon, Hasse will
move home for the winter and maybe beyond as Anne begins a new phase of her
life.  She visits often so Hasse won't forget her :)   He is a favorite around
her because he LIKES to lope!!!   LOL

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Fjords in Norway
> Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 08:22:06 -0500
> This message is from: Phillip Odden <>
> Hello from Phillip Odden in Northwestern Wisconsin where the days are
> cooling off but the mosquitos are still pretty bold.
> Just got back from our Odden's Rural Life Traditions Tour to Norway.
> Else is still in Norway visiting her family and friends.
>   The tour went very well. Twenty two of us left together from the US.
> One woman from Norway joined our tour as well. She knew that she would
> be unable to visit several of the farms and private homes on her own
> that we visited as a Norwegian living in Norway. You need an
> introduction to visit these private homes, farms and businesses. We
> worked with people and contacts we have come to know with our 35 years
> of experience traveling in Norway pursuing our interests in
> traditional Norwegian Folk Art and for the past 14 years Fjord Horses.
> During the tour 7 Americans already traveling in Norway joined our
> tour for a few special days. Some of our tour members stayed in Norway
> to visit family there.
> We saw a number of Fjord Horses including the impressive stallion
> Torset Blakken at the Fjord Horse center in Nordfjordeid. Frozen Semen
> from this stallion is now available in the US through Olivia Farm. We
> saw a number of mares at the Førde mare show. The scenery on the West
> Coast of Norway was most impressive. There has been a lot of rain this
> summer so the many rushing water falls were quite spectacular. We
> visited a number of cultural centers including three Stave Churches
> built in the 13th century. The Borgund Stave Church was most
> interesting to me since Else and I are involved in recreating this one
> for California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks California.
> Currently I am working on carving the large Door Portals for this
> project.
> This was a study tour of Norway. We learned about Agriculture in
> different regions of the country. We learned about Folk Art and we
> learned about the horses of the country and we learned about the
> connection between Folk Art and Horses. In this way we learned much
> about the history of Norway. And we learned why the Fjord Horse was
> bred as it is because of the environment and use. People on the tour
> with Norwegian ancestors learned a lot about themselves too through
> the information they learned regarding life and values at the time of
> immigration. And we were able to compare and contrast the modern
> values and modern way of living between our two countries as we had
> opportunities to observe and question Norwegian people along the tour.
> Else and I were very pleased with the tour and we plan to offer it
> again in August 2012 with very few changes. In 2013 we plan to offer a
> different tour which will include parts of Sweden and Norway.
> Now it is time to get ready for the annual Villa Louis Carriage
> Classic. Marcy and Herger are chomping at the bit.
> Take care and be safe,
> Phil Odden
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