This message is from: Jan Robbins <>
Hey Phil. Loved reading about your Norway trip. Sounds awesome! Look forward to seeing you at a CDE to catch up. My new Welsh Cob is AWESOME! I know you love Fjords and I do too but this guy is going to take me higher that Ran could have! He will be with Shelly Temple this winter and we will be at Gayla in 2012 for our first CDE. Hope to see you there!! Will be at the National Drive this fall. Will you be there? Have a new teaching job teaching first grade at a school that emphasizes the arts and environnmental awareness. I am loving it! Take good care, Jan Robbins in Arkansas -----Original Message----- From: Phillip Odden <> To: fjordhorse <> Sent: Sat, Aug 27, 2011 9:35 am Subject: Fjords in Norway This message is from: Phillip Odden <> ello from Phillip Odden in Northwestern Wisconsin where the days are ooling off but the mosquitos are still pretty bold. Just got back from our Odden's Rural Life Traditions Tour to Norway. lse is still in Norway visiting her family and friends. The tour went very well. Twenty two of us left together from the US. ne woman from Norway joined our tour as well. She knew that she would e unable to visit several of the farms and private homes on her own hat we visited as a Norwegian living in Norway. You need an ntroduction to visit these private homes, farms and businesses. We orked with people and contacts we have come to know with our 35 years f experience traveling in Norway pursuing our interests in raditional Norwegian Folk Art and for the past 14 years Fjord Horses. uring the tour 7 Americans already traveling in Norway joined our our for a few special days. Some of our tour members stayed in Norway o visit family there. We saw a number of Fjord Horses including the impressive stallion orset Blakken at the Fjord Horse center in Nordfjordeid. Frozen Semen rom this stallion is now available in the US through Olivia Farm. We aw a number of mares at the Førde mare show. The scenery on the West oast of Norway was most impressive. There has been a lot of rain this ummer so the many rushing water falls were quite spectacular. We isited a number of cultural centers including three Stave Churches uilt in the 13th century. The Borgund Stave Church was most nteresting to me since Else and I are involved in recreating this one or California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks California. urrently I am working on carving the large Door Portals for this roject. This was a study tour of Norway. We learned about Agriculture in ifferent regions of the country. We learned about Folk Art and we earned about the horses of the country and we learned about the onnection between Folk Art and Horses. In this way we learned much bout the history of Norway. And we learned why the Fjord Horse was red as it is because of the environment and use. People on the tour ith Norwegian ancestors learned a lot about themselves too through he information they learned regarding life and values at the time of mmigration. And we were able to compare and contrast the modern alues and modern way of living between our two countries as we had pportunities to observe and question Norwegian people along the tour. Else and I were very pleased with the tour and we plan to offer it gain in August 2012 with very few changes. In 2013 we plan to offer a ifferent tour which will include parts of Sweden and Norway. Now it is time to get ready for the annual Villa Louis Carriage lassic. Marcy and Herger are chomping at the bit. Take care and be safe, Phil Odden Important FjordHorse List Links: ubscription Management: H-L Archives: lassified Ads: Important FjordHorse List Links: Subscription Management: FH-L Archives: Classified Ads: