This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm <>

My sister sent me this.  You do need to watch the Youtube video.
Incredibly impressive.

The first snow fell here in Wenatchee, WA. (Upper Middle part of state)  My
fjord mare was a dirt/mud bag when I went out this afternoon.  She had so
much fun rolling & rolling & running in her paddock.  This won't last, but
there will be more this weekend.  I get to try a home made sled with her.

Mel Thomas

  This is great story. After reading the below paragraphs, check out the
You Tube video.

Subject: Fwd: As we honor our veterans, this one must be included



Be sure to view the video clip at the bottom:

Reckless was a packhorse during the Korean war, and she carried recoilless
rifles, ammunition and supplies to Marines. Nothing too unusual about that,
lots of animals got pressed into doing pack chores in many wars.

But this horse did something more.during the battle for a location called
Outpost Vegas, this mare made 50 trips up and down the hill. On the way up
she carried ammunition, and on the way down she carried wounded soldiers.
What was so amazing? Well she made every one of those trips without anyone
leading her.

I can imagine a horse carrying a wounded soldier, being smacked on the rump
at the top of the hill, and heading back to the safety of the rear. But to
imagine the same horse, loaded with ammunition, and trudging back to the
battle where artillery is going off, without anyone leading her is

To know that she would make 50 of those trips is unheard of. How many
horses would even make it back to the barn once, let alone return to you in
the field one single time.

So here is a clip of her story and photos to prove where she was and what
she did.

She was retired at the Marine Corps Base in ****Camp**
**Pendleton****where a General issued the following order..she was
never to carry any more
weight on her Back except her own blankets. She died in 1968 at the age of

P.S. How bad was the battle for Outpost Vegas?? Artillery rounds fell at
the rate of 500 per hour, and only two men made it out alive, without
wounds. Just two. And a horse, and she was wounded twice. ****


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