This message is from: Kim Manzoni <>

I have been teaching my horses the one rein stop for a few years now because I
have a QH that was labelled as "Dangerous" by former owners and trainers. 

best advice is flex, flex, flex. You want your horse to be soft and supple so
that when you pick up on the reins, even in an emergency, you are able to get
that head around to your leg. A horse should not be able to continue to run
away... at least not forward... if his head is bent to your leg. While I have
not trained a Fjord yet, I am sure that if you get your horse soft and supple
and bending that head around, it should work just the same. 

-Kim ...
Fjordless until March

 From: Julia Webb
Sent: Monday, January
30, 2012 11:35 PM
Subject: Training the One-rein stop?
This message is from:
Julia Webb <>

So, I'm curious about things we can learn
from this.....Practical takeaways.
Fjord trainers:  Any differences with
installing that one-rein
stop/disengagement of the hind-quarters with Fjords? 
I'm not the best rider
in the world, but as a thinking adult beginner, I've
had many teachers, all of
which (to some degree or another) made sure I knew
how to A) Get off a moving
horse as safely as possible, and B) Train that
one-rein stop.  (At least with
a Fjord, the distance to the ground is a lot
less than the 16.3 Standardbred I
learned the rolling dismount on...).  I know
that most horses can run right
through a pulley rein or a one-rein stop if
they haven't had it ingrained to
the point of instinct.  Any experience with
making it as effective as
possible? -JuliaFjordless in Kansas

> Thank you
so much for that info Valerie!  I needed the confidence boost!  I
> want to
take Andy and J.J. to Arcadia and have thought of them running away
> since
reading some emails on here..very scary thought!!!!

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