This message is from: Linda Baker Lottie <>

Rosemary...after reading your post maybe I will stay right where I am...have to 
say my neighbors are wonderful!   Or, come buy my place..  :)

Linda in WI

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 26, 2012, at 1:32 PM, "Rose or Murph" <> wrote:

> This message is from: "Rose or Murph" <>
> To those of you who posted about Jerk neighbors and their noise, I can
> sympathize.  I have had the two stroke dirt bikes going all day before,
> found out it was some friends or our nasty  neighbor who were coming over
> and riding on the property. They were also trespassing on a 40 acre piece,
> by my place that was up for sale. I called the realtor, they contacted the
> owner and the riding finally stopped.
> I have put everything I have in to my little five acre piece, but it seems I
> have been extremely unlucky with jerk neighbors. I have a kennel of 4
> barking stinky hound dogs right by my house. I have talked to him several
> times, and I just gave up. He is a true jerk. His place is a mess, garbage
> out in the yard, manure a mile high in his pasture, which brings loads of
> flies in the summer, and yes the wind blows in my direction, and fences that
> are a mess.
> On the other side of me, the people have a great dane and another mixed dog
> who every time I step out in to my field, or go in to my barn the dogs stand
> there and bark right next to the fence line. I talked to that neighbor and
> he tells me they are just protecting their property. His dogs are
> aggressive, barking and growling with me just moving around doing my barn
> chores. They also let them out at 2 in the morning and they bark. Can't
> leave our windows open in the summer at night. So disappointing, they don't
> take care of their place either.
> My goal is to sell when the economy gets a little better feeling like all my
> hard work has been wasted. I have always dreamed of living somewhere where
> neighbors are friends and watch out for each other. Ten years ago our street
> used to be like that, until people moved and riff raff moved in. To make
> this Fjord related, my mare has gotten used to strange noises such as heavy
> chains being dragged in and out of dog houses, the barking, and bad smells
> from the dogs. I have a line of cedar trees, so when the dogs move and make
> noise she can't see them so any noise is always on a surprise basis.
> I crave to live in a quiet place, with beautiful meadows where all I can
> hear are the birds and wind, sun on my back and my fjord by my sideJ
> Rosemary in Roy, WA
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