This message is from: Robin Churchill <>

I guess it depends on if they have access to shade with some breeze and will
use it. I think if they will stay in the shade during the hot part of the day,
they are probably ok and if they sweat alot that's good. Read up on
anhidrosis- it doesn't seem to be that well understood what causes it. What
you will notice is that it is hot, they are dry and usually have an increased
respiratory rate.  The fjord gelding I have now didn't sweat good the
beginning of his first summer here. I have mine on something called True Sweat
that supposedly helps them sweat. I put him on that and kept him in in the
afternoons and now he sweats fine. You should make sure they get plenty of
salt and fluids. If you notice they are not sweating, wet them down right away
and put them under a fan. When I ride here in the summer, I wet mine down
before I start or sometimes mist them with alcohol and water and then give
them gatorade with extra electrolytes usually a gallon before
 I ride and 2 gallons after I ride which they suck right down. I use 2-3
scoops to an 8 qt. bucket.  I haven't really started giving them pre-ride
gatorade yet but it will be coming soon. I also usually only work them for
about 30 minutes with several walk breaks. They can't work like they would in
normal weather when it is as hot and humid as we get in the summer. I also
ride so I am finished by 9:30 in the morning or start after 6 in the evening.
Stay cool,


Should I shut them
into the  
run in shed during the day?

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