This message is from: S K <>

I found your article very imformative....I'm really confused as to
which salt I should use..I always used the loose salt in a large rubber feed
bowl right next to their water in the walk-thru....I'm wondering i f I should
now buy a block...???????   I'd also heard they were more for cows with their
raspy tongue....not for a horse...
Also, yesterday my horse trainer, Chris
Lombard told me Andy my 9 yr old Fjord has almost outgrown his saddle...He's
filled out and gained alot of weight...He told me to look into a Bob Marshall
treeless saddle.....
I'd appreciate any  comment on these
saddles.....Chris's wife is an expert dealing with saddles, that's her
business, she doesn't like the treeless saddles...but it' shard to find a good
western saddle for a I'm sure you all know...

Toni <>
To: ""
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2012 12:51 AM
Salt, Sweat, etc.

This message is from: Toni <>

thread on the list about our horses and this heat!  I am usually a
lurker, but
had to write in today.  The temps topped out at 107 degrees here
today, and I
decided to rinse my horses off.  The heat and humidity has been
brutal the
last 4 weeks, and my Fjord and Mustang have been drinking lots and
lots of
water.  A tank usually lasts 4 to 5 days depending on the weather.  I
been filling it almost every day.  They have a salt block right next to
water tank and my mustang sucks up some water and dribbles it in the hole
the salt block to disolve the salt.  He's pretty clever.  Neither one of
tries to chew on it, just dribble and lick.  If I want my Fjord to drink
I give him a few peppermint flavored treats.  He always drinks right
I have been concerned about sweating because it's been so hot. 
Everyday I walk out in the pasture to check them out.  Everyday they have been
just fine.  If they get too hot, they hang around in the barn and catch any
breezes that happens by.  Today I noticed my Fjord was very sweaty, so I ran
some warm water and mixed it with cold (until it was cool on the inside of my
wrist) and then sponged them off.  My mustang looked at me like I was an idiot
for touching his body with a wet sponge, but my Fjord just stood and relaxed
into it.  I scraped them both off really good and the water coming off their
bodies was HOT!  They were much cooler afterward.  It is now late night, and
it has cooled off to around 80 degrees.  Very warm for a Wisconsin night.  We
don't usually get weather this hot for this long.  I will be glad when it
cools off a little.  
I am so blessed to be able to have my horses right on
my own property and check them several times a day if need be.  I make sure
they have shade, water, salt, and (if necessary) a good rinse to cool them
Keep cool all,
Toni in Wisconsin

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