This message is from: "Debby" <>

What would the side affects be? I do remember starting Amber on it and started lower dosage, and did seem for a few days to make her go off her feed...but what other side affects. I don't recall my vet mentioning any. I know that once a horse is too far into the disease, I was told the pergolide would not bring them back to normal, and I was told putting them on it as soon as one suspected and tested their cortisol level, would or should help them, not fix them as it is not fixable, but help them, even suppose to help them start shedding, though it never did my Amber. When her coat changed, and she on the med for 2 yrs., I had to clip her all year round, she never shed. And her coat was never the same anymore. In 2 yrs. she aged, and her last 6 months, the infections, tummy, teeth, eye, then several issues with her feet. Very very sad. It does seem to me in the 2 yrs. she was on it, she never improved and over time had more issues. But I feared taking her off the meds as what would she be like if while on the pergolide, she was going downhill? And yes, had her blood tested about 4 times during these 2 yrs., and seems it was always high. I'd assume this "disease" affects them in many different ways, when and what and how, but in the end, it won't go away. I know that giving them shots, vaccinations, steroids, all can be issues. Stress is an issue. Debby
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