This message is from: Steve McIlree <>

After I answered Valerie's message, I Googled Nelson Waterers because I was
curious about how the price compared the non-electric freeze free waterer
we use. I still haven't found the price, but I did stumble on this comment
in a thread on "There were a few small installation
problems in the beginning, but they were worked out easily enough, and you
absolutely can adjust the amount of water you want in the bowl. The lids
require a human with opposable things to get off--no way a horse could do
it. The heater seems to work pretty well, but when it's super cold and
windy the outside waterer has had a thin layer of ice develop on it
(nothing the horses couldn't easily break with their muzzles, but we only
have mild to moderate winters here, too). The waterers have not broken down
and require no maintenance, except for when *the builders who put them in
wired them wrong and caused our horses to get a shock every time they got a
drink*....but you can't blame that on Nelson."

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it.-- Aristotle 384-322 BC

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