This message is from: Brigid Wasson <>

Hello Fjord Friends,

I have enjoyed the resurgence of communication on this list. I still feel that 
we are all sitting around the proverbial kitchen table having a cup of coffee 
-- as I am now -- having good conversation.

I can especially relate to the stories of your lives changing, downsizing, 
gelding of stallions, getting out of competition, etc. I have really struggled 
for the last 5-8 years with my changing life. It's been a great life and I've 
been very fortunate, but as I get older my mind turns to other priorities and 
my body is not willing to take the risks it once did. In my 20's retirement was 
about as tangible as the moon, so I spent every dollar I made. I had a grand 
time, but entered my 30's broke. In my 20's I could swing 3+ horses, going to 
the barn every day and working with one after the other. Today, one is more 
than enough. In 2012 I entered a committed relationship, and in 2013 I moved to 
Sonoma County and became a homeowner. Life changes.

When I lost Rafael last year, it was a devastating loss of not just a dear 
friend of many years, but of a big part of my identity. The "Fjord Girl" now 
has no Fjord. I think of them often and hope to again spend my time with a 
great furry yellow pony, but for now I have my one mule to care for and ride. 
Again accepting my changing limitations, I am seeking a board/train situation 
for him. I just don't have the time, energy, or desire to train horses any 

Again, thank you all for sharing your stories of your changing Fjord lives. 
Growing older is something that has happened to everyone since th ebeginning of 
time, but when it happens to you it's a whole new experience!

Brigid Wasson
Sonoma County, CA 

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