> What we're looking for is a measure of the expected decoding complexity,
> not the encoding complexity. The 2 are probably always going to be
> closely related, but they are different things, and complexity will
> depend on the data being compressed (aswell as on the encoder settings).
> There was a request last year for something similar, so that an embedded
> player using a CPU with adjustable clock speed (for power management)
> can anticipate how much CPU power will be needed for the next track or
> stream, before decoding begins. The idea being to adjust performance
> (CPU or memory) in enough time to meet demand.
> For known data (a music playlist using files, for example) the required
> metadata could be stored on the playback device, ready for the next time
> each track was played. For unknown data (streamed live audio) this would
> not be much help.

There are two major things in the file that you can look at to determine. 
One is easy, one is more difficult.

The stream info block -
http://flac.sourceforge.net/format.html#metadata_block_streaminfo - occurs
once at the beginning of the file.  You can get a reasonable estimation of
decoding complexity as well as memory usage.
* the maximum block size, combined with the number of channels, will
determine your memory usage requirement
* the sample rate and channel count will influence decoding complexity, as
you will have to calculate more data points per second to play back in

The MAJOR factor determining decoding complexity is going to be the order
of the LPC filter.  Unfortunately, this can vary frame-by-frame and there
is no maximum order specified in the stream info in the header of the
file.  You could sniff the entire file and find an upper-bound (or perhaps
a time-weighted sliding window average, as you might be buffering enough
to handle occassionally too-high LPC order counts).  The information is
available in each sub-frame header -
Keep in mind that each channel has its own sub-frame header for each
frame.  This means (potentially) that the mid channel might be of
different order than the side channel.

Hope that helps,
-Ben Allison
flac-dev mailing list

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