On 31-01-13 07:17, Dennis Brunnenmeyer wrote:
What is the best way to go about this?

Not on a user mailinglist for sure. All Xiph-related mailinglists can be found here: http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo

I think trying the vorbis-dev or flac-dev mailinglist would be better, because this list is not read by many. Because VorbisComments are part of the Vorbis spec, I think the vorbis-dev mailinglist would be best.

Users need to search their libraries for more important reasons than just to locate an artist or song by name. The current (formalized) set of VorbisComments is inadequate for this purpose. [For example, who is the vocalist on that track, or whois playing the violin on this track?]

I am curious how you tried to fix this, I guess not by defining fields like 'ViolinPlayer' or something. For classical music, important musicians (like a conductor, soloist etc.) are usually mentioned via the album-field, see for example: http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/History:Classical_Style_Guide That's an option as well, instead of defining new fields. We have the performer-field as well, I would think of something like: violin: SomeGuy viola: someoneelse.

Good luck

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